Please Donate to Pennypaws Rescue

Hello. If you would like to donate to the work we do at Pennypaws, please see the links below.
We are a small charity run only by volunteers – so every penny you pledge goes to the dogs. Thank you.

Our Bank Details are:
Metro Bank
Name of Account: Pennypaws Rescue
Account Number: 47713498
Sort Code: 23-05-80

IBAN: GB14MYMB23058047713498

Our Paypal address is:

Paying by Cheque
If you would prefer to send a cheque please make it out to ‘Pennypaws Rescue’ and send to:
Jonathan Slatter, 25 Frankley Buildings, Bath BA1 6EG

Registered Charity No 1200959. Thank you so much if you can help us.

If you are a UK taxpayer we can GiftAid your donations and claim an extra 25% from the government. If you can please could you send the GiftAid declaration which you can find here. Or contact Jonathan Slatter on 07738 470011 or email: Thank you

63 dogs in Romania need feeding

Could you help us with a £1 a month donation – click the pic to help, thank you.

Pennypaws Rescue has many beautiful dogs ready for their forever homes, all saved from abuse, starvation and death in Romania and other countries.. In Romania our dogs are assessed within safe shelters before being transported to the UK, where we find foster homes for them and then adoption.

We urgently need funds to give more dogs in terrible conditions in Romania their chance for happiness. Could you spare just £1 a month to help us please?

Scan the QR Code to go to our Paypal Donation Page

If you are thinking about donating to Pennypaws Rescue, rest assured that every single penny goes towards helping dogs suffering and in need. Thank you for thinking of Pennypaws Rescue and the dogs we are trying to save.

If you are interested in fostering or adopting one of our dogs, or fundraising for Pennypaws please contact Gill:

Some of the dogs rescued by Pennypaws now living the dream in their forever homes in the UK
