Please help us to rescue 5 little helpless girl puppies from the brutal Romanian Public Shelter. One, poor little Elsie has already been badly injured. We have named them: Elsie, Eva, Esme, Erin and Edna.
UPDATE APRIL 2023: Please see the second video below for an update on their progress.

We want to move them to a safe shelter as soon as possible if we can raise the funds to do so. Thank you if you can help – or please share the post, and videos.
Every single penny donated wil go to help them. Thank you. Our Paypal address
To donate with credit card or Paypal please use the donate button below.
For Bank transfers please see account details below donate button. Thank you.
Pennypaws Rescue Bank Details
Metro Bank
Account Number: 47713498
Sort Code: 23-05-80

Update on Elsie:
She is still in the clinic, receiving the best care. As you can see below, she has lost a lot of her ear but also has a few other bite/injuries that she is being treated for.
This poor girl has been through a lot but we hope she’ll be back with her sisters soon
Thank you to everyone who helped get her to safety, so she could get the help she so desperately needed