Poor little dog
That no body knew
Poor little dog
That never ran free
Under the sky so blue
Playing a game
Poor little dog
That had no name
Poor little dog
That was locked in a cold concrete cage
All the precious days of
It’s short life
Poor little dog
That nobody Claimed
Poor little dog
That had no name
Poor little dog
That would have cuddled you and me
Poor little dog
That never even got
To see the sea
Poor little dog
Who knew so much painPoor little dog
Who had no name
Poor little dog
We grieve for you
Poor little dog
We cannot begin to imagine
What you went through
Poor little dog
It’s a crying shame
That nobody even
Gave you a name
Words and music by Greg Crowhurst 2024
Thank you so much to Greg for the heartfelt and beautiful song about the poor dogs who suffer so much, and to Linda Crowhurst for the moving drawing. Thank you both for all your support for Pennypaws Rescue.
If you would like to help Pennypaws Rescue save more of the dogs from a cruel and sad end – please spread the word about our work, and if you would like to support us, please take a look here. Thank you.