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Help Us Save Lives – Support PennyPaws Rescue Today!

Every day, dogs in Romanian kill shelters face an uncertain future. At PennyPaws Rescue, we’re committed to giving these innocent souls a second chance – but we can’t do it without you.

Your donations make it possible for us to:
✔️ Rescue dogs from kill shelters in Romania.
✔️ Provide them with the care and rehabilitation they desperately need.
✔️ Transport them to loving forever homes here in the UK.

Without public support, these life-saving efforts would simply not be possible. Every pound you donate goes directly towards saving lives and ensuring these dogs get the future they deserve.

💔 Imagine living in a cold, overcrowded shelter with no hope. Now imagine being lifted out of that darkness and placed into a warm, safe home where you’re loved unconditionally. This transformation is only possible because of compassionate people like you.

Could you help us with a £1 a month donation – click the pic to help, thank you.

Our Bank Details are:
Metro Bank
Name of Account: Pennypaws Rescue
Account Number: 47713498
Sort Code: 23-05-80

IBAN: GB14MYMB23058047713498

Our Paypal address is:

Paying by Cheque
If you would prefer to send a cheque please make it out to ‘Pennypaws Rescue’ and send to:
Jonathan Slatter, 25 Frankley Buildings, Bath BA1 6EG

Registered Charity No 1200959. Thank you so much if you can help us.

You can find out more about Donations and GiftAid Here

To send us a message please click here

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